All Star Flags February 20, 2014 | All Star Flags

Archive for February 20th, 2014

Know Your Proper Flag Etiquette

Thursday, February 20th, 2014

Knowing and practicing proper American Flag etiquette can save you and your company/agency a lot of grief down the line. Most examples of poor flag etiquette are accidents but they can still lead to PR nightmares for companies.

Brush up on all things flags anytime by visiting our Flag Facts page that we update constantly.

See how this SC government department is paying the price for a flag mishap.


Flags Purchased by the Military Must be Made in The USA

Thursday, February 20th, 2014

Make sure to always check that the American Flags you purchase are Made In The USA like the ones we offer here at All Star Flags.

A great piece of legislation written by Congressman Mike Thompson was just passed that requires American Flags purchased by the Dept. of Defense to be Made in America.